إدارة المشروعاتالتدريب والتأهيل

Wireline Logging & Perforations Operations

Course Description
This wireline logging and perforations short course covers a wide range of wireline logging operations and measurement while drilling and perforations.
The first two days cover the open hole logging (PEX. LDL.CNL,GR, CALPER .SP.PI) and measurement while drilling (MWD and LWD) and the modern open hole logging (analysis behind casing ABC).
The remaining three days cover cased hole logging .(PLT. PSP.TDT USIT.RST.CBL/VDL. GR/CCL) and perforations, tubing punch and running PKR and plugs.

Course Objectives
Understanding of the basic wireline logging measurement and interpretation methods
Understanding of the basic of measurement while drilling and logging while drilling and their applications
Learning the basic of open hole logging and the new modern logging
Getting to know of basic cased hole logging and quick look interpretations
Exploring perforations and their technology
Dicussing basic data for logging programme preparation
Understanding the duties and responsibilities during wireline logging and perforations operations
Aquiring knowledge of the new ways for the open and cased hole logging

Who Should Attend?
Entry–level Well Site Geologists
Wireline Logging Supervisors Geophysicists
Production Engineers
Well Services Supervisors

Course Schedule
Day 1
General topics GR and resistivity measurements
Requirement for wire line and MWD and LWD measurement
Basic applications of wireline logging and MWD.LWD for well completion
Use GR for geological interpretation and determine of porosity
Use NGS in determine the sedimentary environment
Use GR for correlation with other wells and top formations determination
Us SP for geological interpretations and determine RW
Conductivity log and derivation of Rmf and formation temperature
Resistivity measurements to determine RT. Rxo and invasion profile
Depth measurements and control
Oaliper measurement
Identification of potential zone using GR and RESISTIVITY

Day 2
Porosity and Density (Lithology measurements )
Measurements for determination of porosity and density and mineralogy /lithology
Prossplot methods for porosity and lithology determination
Linking resistivity with porosity and mineralogy measurements
Determination of water saturation in virgin and flushed zone
Pressure measurements
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Measurement
Permeability determination from logs
MWD measurement while drilling and LWD logging while drilling
Computer log interpretation method

Day 3
Cased hole logging
Why we need for cased hole logging
PLT logging ( production logging tool)
TDT and RST Logging (reservoir saturation tool)
USIT Logging (ultra sonic tool )
Log quality control
Shaly sand interpretation
Log interpretation in thin Sand/ Shall sequences
Log applications in Shall –oil/gas formations
Log interpretation in complex carbonate reservoir

Day 4
CBL/VDL Logging .
Overview of different approaches of cement bond evaluating
USIT LOG : Overview of casing and tubing corrosion
Set FB-1 packer with electrical wire line
Set MPBT plugs for cement plugging
PLT logging interpretation
TDT /RST log interpretation
Production logging in horizontal wells

Day 5
Introduction to perforations
Correlations and reference log and correlation log
Initially perforations and re perforations and add perforations
The gun and explosive charges
Casing perforation and tubing perforations
Tubing puncher
Safety and precaution during logging and perforation


مركز المتوسط للدراسات الاستراتيجية: مؤسسة فكر وتخطيط استراتيجي تقوم على إعداد التقديرات وتقديم الاستشارات وإدارة المشروعات البحثية حول المتوسط وتفاعلاته الإقليمية والدولية. لا يتبنى المركز أية توجهات مؤسسية حول كل القضايا محل الاهتمام، والآراء المنشورة تعبر عن أصحابها ولا تعبر بالضرورة عن رأي المركز

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